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Tiny multipurpose USB-to-UART board

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MicroCP is a low-cost USB-to-UART printed circuit board using CP2102N. It supports multiple I/O voltages for extra flexibility. It can be powered externally or using USB bus power.



MicroCP provides 16 header pins for extra flexibility. Most of these pins are programmable using SiLab EEPROM programmer. The table below summarizes each pin:


MicroCP supports a range GPIO voltages and power sources, i.e., via USB bus or V pin. Four solder jumpers (J1-J4) on the bottom side of the board configure the mode of operation:

J1 J2 J3 J4 Power V pin IO Voltage Notes
1 S O S S USB out 3.3V 3.3V (DEFAULT) a,b
2 S O O S USB in 1.8V-3.3V 1.8-3.3V c
3 O S S O V pin in 3.3V-5V 3.3V a

where S represents a Shorted jumper and O is Open. To short a solder jumper, add solder to both pads to create a bridge between them. To open, remove bridged solder, e.g., using wick. To change DEFAULT configuration use a knife to cut the trace between the jumper ends.


a) I/O voltage is 5V tolerant
b) 3.3V output current is 100mA max
c) I/O voltage is set by the voltage applied to the V pin

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